You're noticing that you and your team are feeling frustrated a lot. You want to create positive change...but you have no idea where to start.

Do you struggle to motivate yourself and your team?

Do you feel like there's something more you could be doing to support your team through their challenges?

Do you and your team struggle to work together and adapt through challenging times?

Imagine if you and your team could see your challenges through a new lens?

It could look like:

  • Enhanced resiliency for you and your team.

  • Converting problems into opportunities for learning and growth.

  • You and your team tackling challenges in a more positive and effective way.

  • A more engaged, confident team who is learning new things every day.

What makes Cultivating a Growth Mindset different?

  • It's tailored for accountants and taught by a CPA who is now a professional certified coach.

  • You'll not only learn what the growth mindset is, you'll learn some practical ways you can cultivate it in yourself and your team.

  • You can immediately implement what you’re learning, so you can build more resiliency within yourself and your team.

  • You'll amplify the learning and possibilities for everyone on your team!

Learn how to cultivate a growth mindset in yourself and your team!

By the end of this program, you’ll be able to implement daily practices that enhance your mindset and create more possibilities in your career and life!

  • Level up your leadership by examining your own mindset.

  • Learn how to better adapt to change, tackle your challenges and create more fulfillment in your career and life.

  • Help others adapt to change, tackle their challenges and find more fulfillment.

  • Create a more engaged, confident, and authentic team.

  • Here’s what’s inside:

    3 chapters of video content with coaching assignments to help you immediately apply what you learn:

    • Chapter 1: What Is Mindset? – Reflect on the different ways you develop and explore the concepts of skills, habits and mindset. 

    • Chapter 2: What Is the Growth Mindset? – Learn about the differences between a fixed and growth mindset, so you can identify the mindset you bring to different aspects of your work and life.   

    • Chapter 3: Cultivating a Growth Mindset – Explore some practices you can use in your day to day work to cultivate a growth mindset in yourself and the people you lead.  

    Meet Brian - your mentor coach!

    Hi, I’m Brian. In 2005, I hired a coach to help me reach some sales goals. I had no idea how much that one decision would change my career and life!

    Two years later, I decided to become a coach myself. Now that I've been an executive coach for well over a decade, I've seen the power of mindset over and over again...not only in my clients, but in myself!

    I believe every one of us must look within ourselves and challenge the way we see the world around us. We must ask ourselves whether our vantage point truly serves us. This is an incredibly powerful exercise for all human beings, and for leaders in particular, because when we create a mindset shift, the impact extends far beyond ourselves.

    I can't wait to help you understand how your mindset gets in the way of the growth and change you really want. Plus, I'll share some specific practices you can use to cultivate a growth mindset that will transform your career and life!

    Cultivating a Growth Mindset is PERFECT for you if...

    • You're committed to developing more than just new want to develop a new mindset!

    • You understand that in order to be a better leader for others, you must first look within and challenge how you view yourself and your own development.

    • You want to help your team continuously improve and grow in ways they (and perhaps you!) didn't think was possible.

    • You’re committed to your own growth as a leader, which means you’re willing to look inward, try new things and reflect on what you’re learning.

    • You’re willing to invest the time and energy required to make this program work for you.

    • This course is NOT for you if:

    • You need Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits. (Sorry, we don’t offer them!)

    • You're seeking a quick fix and aren't willing to first look more deeply at yourself.

    If you’ve made it this far, you owe it to yourself and your team to ask yourself these questions:

    • What might be possible for you when you change the way you see the challenges in your career and life...when you feel more resourceful and capable?

    • What might be possible for your team when you believe in their ability to learn and grow...and you're learning alongside one another?

    • What might be possible for your organization when you learn together in a more collaborative, creative and effective way?

    What people usually ask before signing up for Cultivating A Growth Mindset:

    • I'm already so busy. How can I fit this in?

      We know you're busy! The video lessons are short and sweet (less than 15 minutes each). The real magic happens after you watch the lesson, when you reflect on your learning and complete the related exercises. The good news is, you can practice what you learn in your day to day work, so the additional investment of time is minimal and should pay long-term dividends quickly with consistent practice.

    • I’m afraid of signing up for this and then not having the time or energy required to get the results.

      We understand that accountability can be a challenge for self-paced programs. Why not sign up with a friend for some outside accountability? You could complete the program together and share what you’re learning with one another. If you’re ready for the additional investment, working with a coach can also help you dig deeper and bring another level of accountability and, you’d get additional coaching insights from your coach! (We’d be honored to coach you!)