Do you KNOW you’re capable of being a better leader...but you’re not sure where to start?

Are you feeling burned out, overwhelmed and unfulfilled?

Do you want to move forward in your career, but you’re feeling stuck?

Are you sick of feeling like you’re working really hard, but still not getting the results you want in your career?

Imagine creating a career on your own terms!

Wouldn't it feel amazing to be an energized, inspired and fulfilled leader? Imagine being able to create your dream career and life...without working yourself into burnout.

It’s time to:

  • Feel connected to your purpose and live it everyday

  • Bring more of your authentic self to your career

  • Feel more inspired by the work you do

  • Expand your leadership capacity exponentially

  • Bring energy and full engagement to the things you value most

  • Unleash your peak performance

This program will help you unleash your potential, so you can create success on your own terms!

  • Expand your mind to what’s possible, and unleash more creativity and fun in your career

  • Overcome stress, overwhelm and burnout and create a plan to consciously expand your energy

  • Uncover your purpose, unique strengths and vision of success

  • Create a step-by-step plan to make your vision a reality

What makes Path to Possibilities different?

  • It’s tailored for accountants and taught by a CPA who is now a professional certified coach.

  • Coaching exercises help you uncover your unique purpose, vision and strengths and understand how you can leverage them to create a career on your own terms.

  • An inside-out, holistic approach helps you shift your mindset, uncover what you truly want, better manage your energy and bring more intention to your career.

  • We help you uncover who you already are and what you really want, so you can build success around you.

  • We provide a structured 5-step process to create a personal success plan you can use during and beyond the program.
  • Here’s what’s inside:

    6 modules of video content, including practical coaching assignments to help you apply what you learn during this program and beyond.

    Chapter 1: An Invitation to Play in the Dimension of Possible - Expand your mind, unleash your creativity and bring more meaning to your career and life! 

    Chapter 2: Unleash Your Peak Performance - Overcome burnout, stress and overwhelm so you can bring more energy and engagement to the people and things that matter most.

    Chapter 3: Working at Your Natural Best - Discover what makes you uniquely you and how you can leverage this to create the success you want.

    Chapter 4: What’s Your Why? - Uncover and connect with your passion. 

    Chapter 5: Crafting Your Vision - Discover what you really want in your career and life. 

    Chapter 6: Create Your Personal Success Plan - Craft a step-by-step plan to make your vision a reality!

    Meet Sarah - your guide to the Dimension of Possible!

    Hi, I’m Sarah! If you met me back when I was a practicing CPA, you probably would have thought I was pretty successful. From the outside looking in, I may have looked like I had it all together - a fancy title and all the money and stuff that came with it.

    But, from the inside looking out, I’ll tell you a different story. I worked too much. I didn’t take good care of myself. I was so busy trying to keep up with everything I thought I was supposed to be and do in order to make everyone else happy and “be successful” that I never slowed down to think about what I really wanted. Instead, I was on auto-pilot, checking off the boxes of someone else’s success plan. I felt burned out, overworked and unfulfilled.

    Thankfully, in 2013, I discovered some concepts and practices that transformed my career and my life! Two years later, I became an executive leadership coach so I could help thousands of people around the globe create positive change in their lives, too. And now, I’m thrilled to share these transformative practices with you, so you can create the changes you dream of!

    Path to Possibilities is PERFECT for you if...

    • You’re ready to make significant changes in your career and life, even if it means getting uncomfortable.

    • You’re committed to personal and professional growth.

    • You’re willing to look inward, try new things and reflect on what you’re learning.

    • You’re willing to invest the time and energy required to make this program work for you.

    • This course is NOT for you if:

    • You’re not willing or able to do the deep work required to make real change.

    • You want someone to tell you what to do.

    • You feel like you have to “get it right” the first time.

    • You need Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits. (Sorry, we don’t offer them!)

    What people usually ask before signing up for Path to Possibilities:

    • I’m already so busy. How can I fit this in?

      We understand you’re busy! The video lessons are short and sweet (ranging from 10-30 minutes each), and we suggest a pace of one chapter per week. This only requires a minimal investment of your time each week that should provide you with a huge return.
      By the way, being “too busy” may be a primary cause of your challenges. If you don’t invest some time in your personal development, you won’t be able to create the success you want. If you don’t slow down and ask yourself, “What do I really want?”, you may end up feeling stuck on the proverbial hamster wheel, living your life on autopilot. By investing time in this program, you can stop letting life happen to you, and instead start creating the life you really want.

    • I’m afraid of signing up for this and then not having the time or energy required to get the results.

      We understand that accountability can be a challenge for self-paced programs. Why not sign up with a friend? You could share what you're learning with one another and provide one another with some accountability and expanded learning? If you’re ready for the additional investment, working with a coach can help you dig deeper and provides another layer of accountability and support. (We’d be honored to coach you!)

    • I can’t afford this right now.

      Achieving higher levels of fulfillment and well-being requires an investment in yourself and your future. Imagine the massive return on investment that’s possible when you gain more clarity, meaning and direction for your career and life! Can you really afford not to do this program? What are you missing out on in your career and your life right now by maintaining the status quo?

    What others are saying...

    Easy to understand and impactful!

    Stacey Rodgers, CPA, Director of Learning & Development at Cohen & Company

    In both live and virtual environments, our employees continue to talk about Sarah’s authenticity and engaging personality that keep them coming back for more. We all leave her sessions focused on what matters and wanting to make a difference for ourselves and others. Sarah’s work in helping others achieve their peak performance has allowed our employees to understand the power of self-care and managing your stress in an industry where, at times, that seems almost impossible. But, with the tools and perspectives that are provided (which are easy to understand and impactful when applied), she always brings us back to showing up for ourselves so we can show up for others, moving people into the Dimension of Possible.

    Makes transformational impact!

    Natasha Schamberger, CPA, CEO & President of Kansas Society of CPAs

    Sarah inspires others to explore their vision more, learn more and become more! Sarah’s refreshing approach to leadership coaching makes transformational impact. She focuses on helping professionals uncover their best self and how to lead teams in an authentic and meaningful way. She approaches touchy-feely topics in a graceful and professionally comfortable way. Sarah has facilitated coaching for KSCPA's leadership program for emerging leaders and she receives rave reviews to the point we MUST keep her as part of our program. Her techniques and approach have sustainable impact because they dig a little deeper on a personal level and help leaders find purpose and vision. Sarah’s coaching is amazingly powerful.

    One of the most advantageous decisions I could have made!

    Anna Stevens, CPA, CHFP, Partner-in-Charge of Health Care Industry at Weaver

    Having Sarah as a coach was one of the most advantageous decisions I could have made for myself, personally and professionally. Her methodology and style really drive to determining the root of the issue and developing an effective and actionable plan. As I have implemented these plans, it has produced results that not only I can see and feel, but others around me can as well. Investing in yourself is one of the most powerful tools to propel you forward in every aspect of your life.

    Engaging speaker and truly inspirational leader!

    Mitchell Roshong, APTD, Senior Manager of Educational Products at IMA® (Institute of Management Accountants), Manager of IMA’s Leadership Academy and Co-host of IMA’s podcast Count Me In®

    Sarah is an engaging speaker and truly inspirational leader! She did an amazing job not talking to but, rather, communicating with our members during her highly informative presentations. The feedback we received from our members was beyond positive, and many expressed great interest in applying the theories and practices she shared. She was so kind and easy to work with. We are so appreciative of her. Thank you, Sarah!