You know you should be doing less hand-holding, and you want your team to take more ownership...but you don't know how to make it happen.

Do you feel overwhelmed because you’re always taking care of your team’s problems?

Do you feel like your team is capable of more, but you don’t know how to help them get there?

Do you feel like there’s no time for your work because everyone’s always coming to you to fix things?

Do you and your team struggle to work well together and adapt to change?

Imagine being able to maximize your team’s performance without having to do all the work yourself!

It could look like:

  • The people you work with being more engaged and feeling more confident and fulfilled.

  • Your team tackling challenges without you having to micro-manage.

  • Your team enjoying higher levels of trust and open communication.

  • Your team being more engaged, connected and collaborative.

  • Tapping into the diverse talents of the individuals on your team to maximize the team’s performance.

  • Having more time and energy to take on new challenges and level up on your own career development.

What makes The Coach Development Series different?

  • You’ll learn professional coaching skills (and secrets!) from leading coaching experts based on core competencies of the International Coach Federation.

  • It was created by two professional ICF-certified coaches who have spent 20+ years coaching individuals and groups, teaching others how to coach and partnering with organizations to create coaching culture programs.

  • You’ll learn everything you need to truly coach - the mindset, skill set and habits.

  • You can immediately implement what you’re learning, so you can start using coaching on the job.

  • You’ll even receive a coaching toolkit to support you well beyond this program.

Learn professional coaching skills so you can unleash your team’s potential!

By the end of this program, you’ll be able to use professional coaching skills in your day to day work to empower your teams and enhance their performance. This program will teach you everything you need to be a coach, so you can create a stronger, collaborative team.

  • Level up your leadership by empowering your team to be more resourceful and creative.

  • Help others adapt to change, tackle challenges and ultimately create more success in their careers and lives.

  • Create a more engaged, confident and fulfilled team.

  • Tap into the diverse talents of the individuals on your team to maximize the team’s performance.

  • Feel more fulfilled through empowering others (instead of rescuing them!).

  • Create some much-needed space for yourself, so you can take on new challenges and further your own career development.

  • Get all the tools you need to implement coaching beyond this program!
  • Here’s what’s inside:

    6 modules of video content with practical assignments to help you immediately apply what you learn PLUS a coaching toolkit with everything you need to start coaching!

    • Chapter 1: Introduction to Coaching – Explore what coaching is (and what it's not!), and learn the three aspects of a coaching mindset that will instantly empower others!  

    • Chapter 2: Setting the Agenda – Create purpose in every single coaching conversation and relationship.

    • Chapter 3: Active Listening – Understand what someone is saying (and not saying) to help them gain clarity. 

    • Chapter 4: Asking Powerful Questions – Help others uncover meaning, purpose and what’s next through the power of questions.   

    • Chapter 5: Creating Forward Motion – End coaching conversations with momentum by facilitating insights and next steps. 

    • Chapter 6: Coaching Habits - Create the structure you need to integrate coaching into your day to day. 

    Meet Brian - your mentor coach!

    Hi, I’m Brian, and in 2005, I hired a coach to help me reach some sales goals. I had no idea how much that one decision would change my career and life!

    I discovered that coaching allowed me to escape the daily grid and slow down to become better. Once I realized the power of it, I was hooked. In fact, I was so hooked that I decided to become a coach myself two years later. I love empowering others by simply being curious about their aspirations and challenges. I get to witness people being and doing more than they thought was possible.

    I’m grateful to help others transform their careers and lives through coaching everyday, and now, I’m thrilled to share what I know and practice with you, so you can do the same for others!

    The Coach Development Series is PERFECT for you if...

    • You’re committed to helping the people you work with unleash more of their potential.

    • You want to use coaching informally in your day to day work.

    • You want to use coaching more formally for the career development of others (e.g., as a career coach or counselor, mentor or performance advisor at your organization).

    • You’re committed to your own growth as a leader, which means you’re willing to look inward, try new things and reflect on what you’re learning.

    • You’re willing to invest the time and energy required to make this program work for you.

    • This course is NOT for you if:

    • You want to become a certified professional coach. Although this program will help you become a better coach, it’s not an accredited coach training program.

    • You need Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits. (Sorry, we don’t offer them!)

    If you’ve made it this far, you owe it to yourself and your team to ask yourself these questions:

    • What might be possible for you when the people you lead are more engaged, confident and resourceful and take ownership of their challenges?

    • What might be possible for your team when you believe in, support and challenge them through coaching?

    • What might be possible for your organization when you work together more collaboratively, creatively and effectively?

    What people usually ask before signing up for The Coach Development Series:

    • I’m already so busy. How can I fit this in?

      We know you’re busy! The video lessons are short and sweet (ranging from 10-20 minutes each). The real magic happens after you watch the lesson, when you reflect on your learning and complete the related exercises. We suggest pacing yourself at one chapter per week. The good news is, you can practice the exercises in your day to day work, so the additional investment of time is minimal and should pay long-term dividends quickly with consistent practice.

    • I’m afraid of signing up for this and then not having the time or energy required to get the results.

      We understand that accountability can be a challenge for self-paced programs. Why not sign up with a friend for some outside accountability? You could complete the program together and share what you’re learning with one another. If you’re ready for the additional investment, working with a coach can also help you dig deeper and bring another level of accountability and, you’d get additional mentoring and coaching insights from your coach! (We’d be honored to coach you!)

    • I want to start an in-house coaching program at my organization. Will this program help me with that?

      This program is a powerful tool to support the development of your in-house coaches as part of your program. However, there is so much more involved in implementing a coaching program than this. We wrote a (free!) toolkit to support you - A toolkit for possibility: Creating a coaching culture at your organization. We love partnering with organizations to create coaching cultures and would be excited to explore what you want to create and how we could help you. Reach out to Sarah Elliott ([email protected]) if you’d like to schedule a conversation about this. You can also download the coaching toolkit from our website at

    • Will this program provide me with a coaching certification?

      No. Although this program will help you become a better coach, it’s not an accredited coach training program. This program is intended for professionals who want to use coaching skills to become a better leader in their existing role. It is not intended for someone who wants to make a career change to become a coach. If you want to become a professional, certified coach, we recommend checking out the ICF website at to learn more.

    What others are saying...

    Shift in the mindset of what it means to coach and develop our team!

    Dale Jensen, CPA, Partner-in-Charge of North Texas Assurance Services at Weaver

    I personally have enjoyed and taken a lot away from the coaching development series. What I've found for myself and seen for others is a shift in the mindset of what it means to coach and develop our team, by transitioning more to an environment of working with our team members on engaging on what they are looking for in their careers and helping them explore and navigate the challenges as they see them. It has helped build deeper connections with my team members and is a skillset that is foundational to building my team.

    Well thought-out and comprehensive program for developing coaches

    Patrick White, CPA, Assurance and Advisory Partner at Frank, Rimerman + Co. LLP

    Intend2Lead’s coach development program is a well thought-out and comprehensive program for developing coaches at your organization. The approach they take was just right for our firm, and we now have multiple coaches throughout all departments having intentional and developmental interactions with our team members on a daily basis. The course is thorough, effective and efficient. I enthusiastically recommend this program!

    Open and honest conversations where our people can grow

    Jennifer Ripka, CPA, Assurance Partner at Weaver

    I wouldn’t have known where to start with coaching without The Coach Development Series! The content is very relevant for our organization, as we’re creating a coaching culture. It helped me better understand the power of listening and how to use the skills I already have to support the people I am charged with coaching. This program has had such a positive impact on me personally, and it has assisted our firm in shifting further into a coaching culture. While I still think there is more for us to learn, I’m excited that this program created the opportunity for open and honest conversations where our people can grow and feel supported. It is really powerful.

    Difficult to overstate the impact of this program to our firm

    Jeffrey Frenster, MBA, Director of Employee Relations and Development at Frank, Rimerman + Co. LLP

    The expertise contributed to the development of our in-house Coaching Corps by Intend2Lead was instrumental in developing a program that matched our values and service objectives. They demonstrated extremely high expertise combined with very clear and useful materials. All of this was made more effective by their warm and open communication style. The materials presented resonated with all the members of the Coaching Corps class and really served as our guide when we started doing active coaching. Personally, I always rely on the principles and specific competencies I learned in this program every single day with members of our 500 person firm community.